The practice of FDM entails utilizing countless techniques in order to treat a wide variety of injuries and conditions related to fascial distortions. Therefore, it is necessary for a practitioner of FDM to acquire a wide repertoire of treatment techniques. In his textbook entitled gFDM: Clinical Theoretical Application of the Fascial Distortion Model Within the Practice of Medicine and Surgery,h the originator of FDM, Dr. Stephen Typaldos, introduced and outlined the basic theories and techniques of FDM as well as advanced his vision of its future possibilities.
In this book, gStay in the Model,h Keisuke Tanaka FDM.O. introduces the
original FDM techniques he learned while practicing at Dr. Typaldosfs
clinic as well as the techniques Keisuke Tanaka currently uses in his clinic.
Specifically, he will introduce further techniques taught to him by Dr.
Typaldos which were not introduced in Dr. Typaldosfs original textbook
seeing that FDMfs repertoire is too wide to be encompassed in only one
Keisuke Tanaka was one of two people directly certified as an instructor
by Stephen Typaldos to teach original FDM.@gStay in the Modelh has been
published with the consent of the current copyright holder.
Japan Orthopathic Publications |
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